Monday, September 11, 2017

Spring and Summer from the weekends

The two of us always find a lot of stuff to do....always...We had a lot of quick weekends and events throughout the summer. Here's a look back at our summer in pictures.

We conquered the Escape Room with help from Megan, Boone, Lucy & Brady.
Bushwhacking in The Swell.

The other lesser-known delicate arch in Utah, The Swell
Weekend campout in The Swell with PICU friends.

Swell yoga
Mexican Mountain Road, San Rafael Swell.
IHC big sip lost and forgotten in The Swell. Live well, indeed.
Moth found in a knot of our gnarly tree stump.
Megan & Boone stop by with the newest member of the Weiss-Boone family: Lily.
Old Crow Medicine Show covering Bob Dylan, The Eccles Theater in SLC
Our compadres for the night: Alan & Larry
Chad making snow angels in June just off the Mirror Lake Hwy, Uintas
Snow's gonna be the next big thing.
Provo River Falls gushing, Mirror Lake Hwy, Uintas.
Uinta campout with Alan & Larry. We forgot condiments for the hot dogs. Worse than that: no one brought S'mores!
Car camping on route to Escalante, Southern Utah
Probably the nicest camp we've had this year. Southern Utah at its finest.
Bad moon on the rise over Escalante desert.
Who packs salad 400 miles as pre-hiking food? Waste not, want not. Eat your greens, Chad!
Lower Hackberry Canyon. Going barefoot up the muddy wash.
Old cowboy cabin. Restored in recent years. Appears to still be used on occasion.
Chad gets brave scrambling along the crumbly sandstone edge.

Arch it.
Packing out of Lower Hackberry Canyon.

Buckskin Gulch, Escalante

Buckskin Gulch, Escalante

Slot canyon

The crow (everybody poops)

Buckskin Gulch, Escalante
First summer on the lake at the Sage Residence. The kids are loving the water.
Jamie & Dave take us on a little cruise around the lake in their brand new pontoon.
"I love it when we're cruisin' together..."
Booze crusin' with the Wachtors (and Dave Sage)
Grant & Michael dipping theirs toes in the water. Chad relaxes in the floaty.
Aria loves the frogs.

Cambria loves the food. 3rd of July fireworks at Eagle Wood Gold Course.

 Kristie chillin' with her ladies (& Tyler) before the fireworks show at Eagle Wood Golf Course
Watching 4th of July fireworks go off all over the SL valley from atop the Avenues.
God Bless 'Merica
Chad & Ian tantalize Wyatt with 4th of July sparklers. I sense a pyro in the making.
Tree & dancer atop Bald Mountain, Uintas
Hey! We were here almost three years ago to this day! Happy 35th Chad!
Sam & Chad on the trail to Bald Mountain, Uintas.
First backyard BBQ of the season. The fence is thiiiiis close to being finished.
Blanch's & BBQs go together like peanut butter & jelly.
A little giant Jenga action. Zoey won twice (contrary to what Shane would have you believe).
Father's Day hike up Adam's Canyon with Summer, Tyler & Grizz. Dad had to go home early to tend to the meats!
Summer & Kristie, Adam's Canyon :)
Britt Floyd with Dad, Heidi, Summer & Tyler. Trippin' balls.
Kristie's 35th birthday. Dinner & a movie hosted by Summer & Tyler. Yup, that's pizza.
Enjoying homemade pizzas, wine, warm summer nights, & each other's company.
Pictographs in Centerville Canyon.

Todd on the Pfeifferhorn (a.k.a. BS Mountain)
Kristie & Todd make it to the top of BS mountain. 11,326 feet and 9.1 miles return trip.
That's a lot of BS to climb
Mammoth sunflowers are blowing up!
This one has somehow grown 30-40 heads off one stem. Freak of nature.


  1. The outdoor activities hiking and camping look amazing. I love the slot canyon shots. Snow yoga has gotta be the best though.

  2. Wish I could come along for half of your adventures. So cool! That snow yoga pose made me think that Kristie could probably do a pretty good worm. Next family wedding is coming up!?!?! :-)
